Visual and Geometric Proof of Algebraic Identities

There are a lot of algebraic identities. One of the most commonly used identity is the identity (a+b)^2 = a^2 + 2ab + b^2.Did you ever wondered where did it came from? There are various ways on how to prove this algebraic identity. One of.

PYTHAGOREAN THEOREM (Proof by Rearrangement: Part 1)

Here is another proof of the Pythagorean theorem. Let us use a right triangle and name the shortest side as a, the longer side as b, and the hypotenuse as c. Let us make three more of these so we have four congruent right triangles. Now, let.


Pythagorean Theorem Exploration 2 Cutouts Here is the second part of the previous post (Pythagorean Exploration 1 cut-outs). The first one uses the other two sides (a and b) of the right triangle to form the sides of the square pattern. This.


Pythagoras Theorem Cutouts In the previous posts, two different explorations were presented for the derivation of the Pythagoras Theorem. The first exploration can be found here and the second here. The Pythagoras Theorem states that:    "The.


The Pythagorean Theorem Here is another proof for the Pythagorean Theorem. You can see the first part here. Start with a cutout of a right triangle. Cut three more cutouts. Let us name the sides of the right triangle with c as the hypotenuse. Now,.


The Pythagoras' Theorem The Pythagorean theorem is also known as the Pythagoras' theorem. It is named after a famous Greek mathematician, Pythagoras, who is credited for its proof. The theorem states that the square of the length of the hypotenuse.

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